The Results Are In

nymphs by timepunchingThe labwork came back and everything came back negative/normal.  I’m relieved and disappointed all at once.  A lot of things have been crossed off the list of what could be causing some problems, but we still don’t know what exactly is wrong.  While my first impulse is to say that I received no answers, I remind myself that I did.  We know what is not wrong with me physically.  I see my doctor again in May, and in the meantime I see if the medication I was put on will help.

Other pursuits are meeting with mixed results.  Writing has slowed to a painful crawl.  My mind draws a blank whenever I attempt to work on the outline.  I’m not sure why, but I may need to spend more time reading before jumping back in to the outline. That, or do more research. It may be that once I do more research into certain items of interest, the story may drastically change.  We’ll see what happens.

As for fencing, I started fencing left-handed.  The only awkwardness I felt was the same feeling you get when you spar with someone for the first time when all you’ve been doing have been drills.  It didn’t feel off, weird, or awkward in any other way.  I may be more fluid between left and right than originally thought.

I better go for now. My break is almost over. In the meantime, more reading and research.


matteo10 by timepunchingSo!  Not caring so much about my job has actually improved my performance at work.  How is it working exactly?  I wouldn’t be able to tell you how, just that it seems to be working.  It’s really strange.  I’m also getting less stressed over the job; however, I’m still having the normal aches and pains that comes with having fibromyalgia and sitting at a computer all day.  I would also like to point out that I’ve gained weight while working at this job and I’m less than pleased about this.  I think things would be a hell of a lot worse if it weren’t for fencing.

Speaking of, I’m experimenting the next few weeks.  This came about with the fact that I bat right handed, play pool left handed, and shoot archery and rifle left and right handed.  The next few weeks I’ll be fencing left handed and see what comes a bit more naturally to me.  I’d rather be at least proficient left and right handed, because that would mean if one hand is taken, I won’t “die” as quickly using my “off” hand to fence.  I’m also going to try out KT tape.  I’ve heard good things about it, and I wonder if it will help my left shoulder and elbow.  I still have a weight limit, but if this tape helps even a little bit that will improve how well I move.

I can’t say that much else is going on.  I’m the first to admit that I lead a relatively boring life.  Maybe something exciting will happen later this week. 🙂