masque05 by timepunchingI know I haven’t been updating lately.  The problem is that most everything that has happened has been so damn personal.

What I can tell you is that while I still hate my job, things are getting a little better.  Things are moving forward with narrowing down what’s physically wrong with me, I have a little of a financial buffer, fencing lessons are going well (I have the use of my left arm again!),  and I went to a Lacuna Coil concert just this past Friday.

I’ve been doing a lot of research and working on my outline, but it seems to be taking so long.  The heath issues are taking up the majority of my time.  While I’m not hurting nearly as much now that Spring is returning to my state, the stress of working is still taxing.  My joints end up hurting because I’m at a computer all day, and my body is still from sitting all day.  By the time I get home, all I want to do is eat dinner, shower, and go to bed.  It hurts and I feel like shit when I agree to go out and I have to tell people I can’t go.  There are some things I will do no matter what and make sure I have medication and the energy to do them.  I do it too often, though, and I could wind up in bed for days afterward.  There’s still the matter that doing so puts a bit of a strain on my body, and that is what I’m hoping the medical professionals can help me sort out.  All I want to do is work, enjoy hobbies, and be healthy.

In the hopes of ending things on a positive note, here are photos from the latest rapier tournament I attended.  Click on the photo to take a look!

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